Half The Sky Blog#2

I just finished the book Half The Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. This book dove into the important issues of women’s oppression across our world. I am very lucky to live in my little bubble and feel comfortable as a woman, but after I read this book, I got exposed to the harshContinue reading “Half The Sky Blog#2”

How To Be An Antiracist- Ibram x kendi

“I am not a racist, but neither am I aggressively against racism,’ but there is no neutrality in racism struggle,” (9) “Anti-racism is an active and conscious effort to work against multidimensional aspects of racism,”(Hillary Hoffower) “To be an antiracist is to eliminate nay beauty standard based on skin and eye color, hair texture, facialContinue reading “How To Be An Antiracist- Ibram x kendi”

SAMO #2- The Dark Side Of Immigration

America was built on the foundation of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” and takes pride being the “melting pot” of the world. Immigrants seeking asylum in America expect to be treated better than the countries and conditions they have left behind, but this isn’t always the case. There are approximately 170,000 immigrants thatContinue reading “SAMO #2- The Dark Side Of Immigration”

More Than What Meets The Eye: Finding The Third

Today there is a lot of conflict going on in the world as a result of letting things divide us. People believe “fake news” and information given to them by sources that only have one perspective. It is important to know that there is a third space. I believe that the third space is informationContinue reading “More Than What Meets The Eye: Finding The Third”

My Philosophy Of Learning

Sophie Waldman Learning can take place in many forms; whether it’s inside a classroom or by experience, learning is an essential part of everyone’s lives. I don’t think education should revolve around future careers, but I think there needs to be a balance. I think education needs to incorporate a balance of history, relevant topics,Continue reading “My Philosophy Of Learning”

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